Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Gloriously Ruined - Dangerous Surrender Chap 3

*I originally wrote this post on May 20th. . but then tonight (6/27) I read the 3rd chapter of Dangerous Surrender and realized. . I've already blogged this concept! The concept is "Gloriously Ruined" and oh that it is. The truth is Africa has ruined me. Her pain, poverty, her people. I'm ruined. . ruined for my life here. . ruined to enjoy "the finer things". . ruined to stop thinking of them and their sweet faces and their pain. I hurt and ache for the hurting in our world. . and yet, somewhere in the midst it is glorious. There is something AMAZING about this life change. I wouldn't go back if you paid me. While living in both worlds can be tricky (a bit of an understatement at times!). . it is glorious b/c it brings me closer to Jesus. Somehow, asking Him for His heart for the hurting. . both in Africa and throughout the world is amazing and intimate. I feel drawn close to His chest when I cry out for them. When I weep it is on His shoulder and with His tears. She described it beautifully, I am Gloriously Ruined! This song says it all. . thanks to Sara Groves who put words and music to this concept!

This song has been on my mind so much lately. . it practically haunts me. PLEASE turn your volume up and take just 3 minutes to watch this video. If you haven't been or don't really have a passion for Africa (and/or poverty stricken lands) and basically just read this to keep up with my life (family and friends). .please take the time to watch this. I feel like this video / song explains me.

The truth is: I saw what I saw and I'll never be the same. I love this video, but the truth is that my own images play in my head while listening / crying to this song.

I saw what I saw and I can't forget it. . .

I heard what I heard and I can't go back. . .

I know what I know and I can't deny it. . .

Something on the road, cut me to the soul. . .

I don't have a picture of this little man. . .the 1-2 year old boy, who upon seeing Buster get out of the car with candy, dropped off the perch he was on with his mama and crawled, naked to Buster. Crawled, not because he was too young to walk but because his feet were clubbed. Crawled the way he'll always crawl. I couldn't take a picture, I was sobbing at that point. . .

Their pain has changed me. I'll never be the same. I know it feels like I'm a downer and you may not enjoy hearing my heart or even looking in their eyes. .but, do it. There I was changed. I will never be the same. In an amazing way too. . I wouldn't change that time for the entire world. Just looking at these pictures and watching this video make me LONG to go back. . oh please, Tom, let's get this trip planned. . I have to get there soon!!

"Your Dreams Inspire"


From Five to Eight said...

I saw this video last year before our kids came home and sobbed all the way through it. Brought back all those memories of Liberia and the people there that I never want to forget either. Thanks for posting it Brandi....Teresa

Sean and Lisa said...

Me too. Sobbed through it and then watched it again and bawled my eyes out! Someday I will go to Africa....because I have a gut desire to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus to "the least of these". Thank you Brandi for your heart and your impact upon mine.

Scott said...

Shem, Ham, and Japheth, who were to repeople the earth, seem to have impressed their own characteristics on their descendants. Their very names are symbolical and prophetic. Shem means splendor or glory, Ham burning heat, and Japheth enlargement. Bearing this in mind, we listen to the words of the patriarch: "Cursed be Canaan, A servant of servants shall he be to his brethren;" and we know that this has been the fate of the children of Ham, or the races of Africa; while, strangely, the name of Canaan has been interpreted as meaning "he who is subject." Again, "Blessed be Jehovah, the God of Shem, And Canaan shall be their slave:" a prophecy most signally fulfilled when Israel took possession of the land of Canaan; and, lastly, "God (Elohim) shall enlarge Japheth (enlargement); And he shall dwell in the tents of Shem, And Canaan shall be their slave."

This latter prophecy consists of three parts. It promises from God, as the God of power, that enlargement to Japheth which is the characteristic of his descendants, the European nations. And it adds that Japheth (not, as some have read it, God) shall dwell in the tents of Shem, that is, as St. Augustine has said, "in the churches which the apostles, the sons of the prophets, reared;" thus referring to the blessing which was to flow to all nations through the Hebrew race.* Lastly, Canaan was to be the servant of Japheth, as seen in the subjection to Greece and Rome, of Tyre and Carthage, the ancient centers of wealth and merchandise, and of Egypt, the empire of might and of the oldest civilization. ...

We are dwelling in the tents of Shem...I believe in the very depths of my soul that we are to bring the sons of Ham with us.

I have a son of Ham and I will pray and fight till the end for his place in the tents of Shem

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you Brandi, that God will bring to fruition whatever He wants through you and this burning passion....and that you will be at peace while you wait
lisa e

Anonymous said...

sweet girl...do not let any forces bring down the passion that God has place on your heart. you will be a mother to many.... many you may never even meet. love you,Denise

Anonymous said...

Watching this video by Sara and her Nomad DVD were very moving. Sara's heart for Africa was very inspiring to me as God pushed us towards service in Africa. Her songs "Something Changed" and "Just Showed up for My Own Life" off her Add to the Beauty album were equally powerful.

missy said...

What can I say??? I just love you to pieces. How can you not be forever changed?

Melissa said...

I have seen it now...I don't have the words. I watch things like this and I long to do more than just pray, I want to go and offer whatever help I can. I also desire to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus.

Melinda said...

I love this song/video. I also share your same thoughts. It is so life changing when you visit the orphans in these countries. It is just so hard to know what to do with what you are feeling. I am thankful to RLC for getting involved and giving people like you an me an opportunity to do something with our passion. If you don't have the album by Sara Groves, you need to get it. It is wonderful, one of my favorite songs is "When the saints".

Jess and Andrea said...

Hey Brandi,

This is so weird - one of my other friends posted on the same song today. I must have been meant to hear it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! It would be awesome if you came to Uganda - let me know as plans unfold. Also, I was looking through some of your missionary bloggers and saw some people from Amani Babies' Home. We went to Jinja a week and a half ago and met the director. She and her husband seems like a neat couple. Anyways, just found all this interesting. Your passion is contagious!


Emily said...


steffany said...

I know baby. I know. Love you.

Melissa said...

Hey, Thanks for the links help ;-) And I believe I am going to have to go out and buy that CD, along with Brooke's when it comes out.
Oh, and I would love the info on the home that your denomination runs. You can send it to hismissionmine@yahoo.com

Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and painful. Thanks for leading our minds and hearts to more than today's trials in our own homes. Love you, and your huge heart!

jena said...

I am ready to see...

Jamie said...

Ditto, ditto, ditto, Brandi! I have watched this video over and over, and my own images run with it now, too. Love you,
Jamie :0)

Danielle said...

I bought this CD a few weeks ago just for this song. It's one of my favorites.
Thanks for sharing.