Tuesday, September 16, 2008

On Task?

Do you remember those school days when you just had a TON of work to get done? The teacher would remind you all day, "you need to stay on task". It was just so hard!

Yeah, that's how I feel right now! I was telling a friend the other day. . .staying focused and intentional is actually easier when I am slammed because it is suddenly REQUIRED. This is where I'm at now. With the retreat 2 weeks from Friday and leaving for Uganda 3 weeks from today and planning the Fall Festival 2 weeks after I get back and planning our Reunion of Strangers 3 days after that. . .sigh Oh yeah, and trying to keep things going on KidLake and in small groups at church and the 2 groups I lead and my, oh yeah, 3 kids under 4. . .maybe I should add ministering to my sweet husband and spending time with my Jesus!! It all seems a bit overwhelming. . IF. . .I take my eyes off of Jesus for even a minute.

Yeah, that's my tendancy. . to think oh crap, life is crazy! To get frazzled and overwhelmed. To completely ditch my diet and any kind of exercise in favor of eating crap and letting my head spin! Even that needs to stay "on task" if I'm going to stay sane!

However, if I keep my eyes on Him, he keeps me "on task" and everything miraculously gets done. This means that I have to keep my eyes glued to His. I have to Die To Self (or DTS as my Friday morning girls have termed it!) during the day. . especially when I want to sit and watch TV or take a nap b/c a child was up during the night. Nope, it's time to focus for me.

The truth is.. I think I'm a better mom in times like this. I am so much more intentional about spending quality time with my kids and doing fun things because I am always afraid of and cognizant of the fact that other things are trying to crowd in and steal my time from them.

If you think about it. . I sure would covet your prayers. There are so many exciting things on the horizon and I am thankful that the Lord allows me to be a part of HIS Work among HIS people. Pray that my eyes stay focused and fixed on Jesus!!!


mommy zabs said...

geez brandi that is a lot! I will be praying for you. See you soon!

Melinda said...

Praying for you! I know you are a little busy, but check out my blog for a special award.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a lot! Here I am being busy doing not much of anything!

Largaespada Family said...

I'm with you sweet friend!



{darlene} said...

Hi Brandi, I just hopped over to your blog from Courtney at Storing up treasures in heaven, and so I said a prayer for you! I am enjoying reading your blog. Having 3 little ones is hard enough to manage your time... it sounds like you have a lot on your plate! Praying Jesus gives you grace during the craziness.

Julie said...

You are sooooo busy!!! Slow down!
Julie :)

Jess and Andrea said...

Thanks, Brandi. I completely understand. I know that recently I have lost focus and that's when everything seems out of control. I'm working on keeping Christ as my focus, so I will pray for you also. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!

Tracy said...

Girl, you have got a lot going on! Praying right now you accomplish it all in His strength! Can't wait to hear about your Uganda trip. We'd be so happy to contribute Ethiopia stories or info! :)

Angel said...

OHHHHHHHHHH I am FEELING your pain. You KNOW I am! Just blogged about it again. CRAZY times. Hugs to you, Angel

Amber G. said...

You are one crazy chick! But also pretty darn amazing!

I'll keep praying for you as you are in such a busy little season right now.

Love ya!