Friday, June 15, 2007

Trusting God

Have I told you guys that I love my small group? I have the sweetest group of girls that meets every Friday. There are 20 girls total, but only about 12 on any given week. Right now we're going through "Trusting God" by Jerry Bridges. First of all, it's an incredible book. What a challenge to allow God to search our hearts and our beliefs about Him so that we truly understand just how big and sovereign He is. Today's chapter was "God's Sovereignty and Our Responsibility" which gave big questions about how our (or other's) choices effect God's will. It is so fun to really search our hearts together. We ask questions, bring up ideas or problems and mostly challenge each other to understand who He is in the midst of who we are! Today, Carrie made this statement. . ."Yesterday I screwed up. The Bible says that the wages of sin is death. Today I woke up. Thank you Jesus for your mercy." We decided we needed to say that every day before getting out of bed. It is so easy to remember to rely on Him when He puts us in the position of conscience dependence. However, when things are normal (we wake up, we eat, we are safe, we pay our bills) we DO NOT attribute that to a Divine Work of God!!

So, as much as I am struggling with my trusting God in the starving nation of Liberia. Struggling to understand His sovereignty over children who are hungry and what is my personal responsibility to feed. . .I am reminded that even in my own life, when I breathe, eat, sleep and live it is because of His Amazing Sovereignty. If He chooses to use me to feed His hungry children or just to bless His children here, I stand in AWE!

Thanks Carrie for the reminder. I might make a sticker to post somewhere to remind me!

1 comment:

carrielkg said...

Ah, yes, I am the bottom line girl... Love you!