We ended up with exactly 75 couples in attendance! Yeah!! Praise the Lord. I have given Him the name, 'the God who brings them" and He always does! The cool thing is that I think it totally fulfilled its purpose too. The purpose of our smaller connection events, like the dance, is to connect people in the Body who may not have growing relationships with one another. This is a non-threatening way to form relationships and memories. It was so cool to watch almost half of our "dancers" being fairly new to Westwood and not otherwise connected in our Body! That was very exciting. All in all, I think it was a success.
Personally speaking, it wasn't my best day. I haven't really been "on my game" so to speak. I didn't spend enough time on the program and wish I had spent more time there (planning to intermix some "fun" music). I also didn't involve my team as much and didn't plan enough for clean up. I had hired some youth to help and thought I'd have 5, so I didn't really recruit for clean up. I figured we'd have 5 youth and some of my team would naturally stay. Well, only 2 youth showed up to help and since I hadn't really asked, none of the team stayed. This left me a bit stressed thinking I would be cleaning by myself! Thankfully, my friend Hannah (who took these pics. . thanks Hannah!) stayed as well as 2 other couples (1 of which was just a visitor) and one other lady. We were there till 1 am, but got it thoroughly cleaned up and set up for Saturday night service. For our next event, I will plan better and make sure to involve my team more! Everything is better when done together! So, here are a few pics!
This is Amber, Carrie and I. I did NOT look so cute! I ran home and had 10 min to shower and change before running back up to the church (it was a 16 hour day!). . . .so, give me a break a bit! I tried on my sister's bridesmaid dress that morning to wear and it fit perfectly. So, after running home and showering, I threw it on. . .well, it didn't fit now! aagh! Of course, I burst into tears (I hadn't been sleeping well, was sick and pretty overwhelmed with the amnt of work left to do in the next hour!) I ended up wearing a cute dress my trendy sister had bought me. However, it's one of those very popular styles that happens to look maternityish at times. I had 4 people ask me if I was pregnant! Not fun!! oh well, at least everyone else looked cute and had fun! on a side note: I started working out this morning! yeah! Time to lose those adoption pounds!

It turned out really pretty, Monica had great idea's. I hope your beginning to feel better.
Just leaving a comment...........
It sounds like it was a wonderful night and wow! a proposal...how cool is that?! Glad you are feeling better, missed you!
"The Chocolate Ball" pictures - YAY(I've been wondering how it went), how very fun and it looks like it was just beautiful! 75 couples that is impressive and a lot of work, wow! Too bad Florida is so far away, Ryan and I totally would have come!!! Those chocolate fountains, wow, they just look awesome apart from the fact that they are flowing with chocolate. The centerpieces, the lights, the white tulle beauitful, and a proposal, what more could you ask for at a Valentine event, how special! You looked really cute Brandi, I am sure everyone was blessed by all your sacrificial giving and serving. Long comment I know, but hey all your planning and hard work deserve some accolades. (Hey is Greg going to write a "weird list", it seems like his would be really funny.) Blessings, Sarah
ya! where is greg's weird list???
for being sick and having 3 kids the chocolate ball looked great! i loved the proposal, did she cry?hehe
MAYBE for this one event i could dress up!
Gorgeous! Way to go on the planning and executing end -- and thanks for sharing the pictures! ;)
Looks like so much fun!!!
How fun -wish we could have been there! Hope you and the little ones are feeling better...isn't god so gracious that he uses us, even when we don't feel like we can do anything! Love you and miss you! Renae
Incredible sounding night! What fun!
Glad you are feeling better too!
Love ya,
Wow brandi! Awesome! I love all the pictures- it looked BEAUTIFUL. And of course the proposal... wow... I love that and wish I could've seen it live and in person! how sweet :).
Oh Wow, that looks awesome! Good job on planning something like that! What fun! So glad you are on the mend!
It's beautiful and looks like so much fun. I am loving the chocolate, as I've had withdrawls lately:)
Way to go Brandi!! You and your team did a great job!! Glad you are finally feeling better...hope you are getting some sleep too! Love ya!
So sorry you were sick, but you can't tell by the end results. What a fun and beautiful night. And a proposal too, HOW SWEET!
What a cool idea to have a chocolate ball. Great job!
And...can I tap into some of your energy that seems unending? PLEEEASE!
Love ya!
I'm glad you are feeling better. You are such a firecracker. You know how you say I'm the cool version of you? Well you're the get er done version of me. You are truly amazing. You have such a beautiful servants heart. You are always doing instead of asking why hasn't anyone done anything? You inspire me. What kind of batteries do you run on anyway?
wait a minute! you had a chocolate ball and I wasnt invited. All that chocolate?! Jeeze that should have been a given. ha! Especially for those of us who traveled to Liberia with a certain someone.
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