Wednesday, December 3, 2008

AMAZING IDEA! I love this girl!

Have I told you guys about Andrea P? She is an amazing mom blogger who is somehow related to our blog friends, the Rusty and Jaime (I'd link but I can't find their blog addy!) who are moving to Liberia next year! Yeah, super cool family. . .both of them. I LOVE their hearts. Both families are ones that we can count on every month to participate in KidsLake. (I can't tell you how much that means to me) They look for any way possible to teach their kids about getting involved. I just love their sweet hearts. . have I mentioned that?

Well, you need to go now and check HER OUT! She has an awesome idea for this month. They are doing 25 days of Giving for Advent. Every day she's teaching her kids about a new way of giving. . from picking out outfits to give away to collecting food for the food bank. She will be blogging about it every day to give you new ideas to do it with your kids and is looking for more ideas from you!

AND, to make it even better. . .she is offering a contest for everyone who gets involved! If you write about this idea and link to her, give her ideas for teaching giving or blog about how you chose to give you will be entered to win: 1. a super cute apron from Lazy Lavender 2. a child sponsored for a WHOLE YEAR in your name with Amazima Ministries!

Go, Give, Be Blessed. . .and be a better mom in the process!


jena said...

That is great! Around here we do the 12 days of Christmas for a family in our community. The family has a series of things pop up on their on their front porch each day the 12 days before Christmas. It's a secret and our identities aren't ever revealed. It is so fun being sneaky!

Well... that's how we like to 'spin the wheel' around these parts!!!!!

Andrea said...

Rusty's blog address is