Thursday, September 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Jena Pena

Happy Birthday JenaPena. I will love blogging as long as I live. . .because it has brought me one of my dearest friends, Jena Penner. For those of you who have had the chance to know her, you have been blessed by her. Of that I have no doubt. She loves Jesus passionately. She is also one of the world's best mamas, a sweet wife to Keith (aka @jenalovesme) and one of my favorite warrior girls in the entire world. I heard this song again recently and it absolutely shares what I feel about her. I could go on and on and write blogs upon blogs about what she means to me and the blessing that she is. . her sweet spirit and commitment to not only encourage me but challenge me have driven me into the arms of Jesus more times than I can count. If you don't know this song. . go download it. It's by Watermark. I didn't add it here b/c I couldn't remember how! But. . here are the lyrics. As a tribute to JenaPena on her birthday today:

"Something brought you to my mind today

I thought about the funny ways you make me laugh
And yet I feel like it's okay to cry with you
Something about just being with you
When I leave I feel like I've been near God
And that's the way it ought to be...

'Cause you've been more than a friend to me
You fight off my enemies
'Cause you've spoken the Truth over my life
And you'll never know what it means to me
Just to know you've been on your knees for me
Oh, you have blessed my life
More than you'll ever know, yeah, yeah, yeah
More than you'll ever know, yeah, yeah, yeah

You had faith, when I had none
You prayed God would bring me a brand new song
When I didn't think I could find the strength to sing
And all the while I'm hoping that I'll
Do the kind of praying for you that you've done for me
And that's the way it ought to be...

You have carried me
You have taken upon a burden that wasn't your own
And may the blessing return to you
A hundredfold, oh yeah...
A hundredfold, oh yeah..."


Erica said...

Beautiful tribute. I love that song.

jena said...

Haven't I cried enough in the last couple days!!!! Love you sweet friend. You are such a treasure to me. Thank you.

Cindy said...

I think Watermark probably tops my list of favorites. I love, love, love them. Although I don't know Jena, she must be pretty great, too! :)

Our Little Blessings said...

I'm just getting caught up on my blogs and came across this. Jena is such a sweet friend. I've had the pleasure of knowing her for the last 19 years. Even though we live far apart I still treasure her friendship.

So glad you get to call her friend!