Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Going "All In"

When I play poker, I like to keep all my chips. I prefer to play penny poker and do the smallest bets possible. This isn't because I don't sometimes think I have a great hand, it's because I'm afraid if I don't I'll be out of the game. So, I bet small so I can play longer.

It seems to me that the disciples were a bit like this. As I shared a few weeks ago, I have been reading through the gospels. One of the things that stuck out to me this week was the common use of the phrase, "and they believed". What struck me as funny was that it was being applied to the same group of people multiple times. The disciples. They would see a miracle and Jesus would say, "then they believed who He was". Apparently, they just believed a little at a time. This is a new concept for me. I have known all along that the Christian walk was a journey and I would learn along the way. However, this struck me as new. They believed...then believed a little more.

I want to be an "all in" Christian like my friends are in poker. I want to just jump and believe. Too often, I ask God for miracle after miracle to prove Himself....then, I'll believe. I ask Him to speak to me and then when He does, I want Him to say it again...just to make sure. I don't want to be like that. I want Him to speak once and I believe. I want to see Him move and I jump in. I want to BELIEVE Him, not just continue to ask Him to prove Himself to me.

I'm not sure how this may apply to iFast or to the poor, hungry and oppressed, but maybe it will help you kick off your time with Jesus in the morning. Maybe you too need to ask Him to reveal the areas of your life where you are waiting for one more miracle, one more time of Him saying the same thing over again so that you'll believe for real this time. Maybe you need to go "all in" like me and just start believing Him because He is who He says He is.

HopeChest's Requests:

The following are our requests for iFast58:

1. Our Ethiopia vision trip in November
2. Pray for Ginia who is in Russia working with our Russian staff on new sponsorship strategies for Russia
3. Pray for Kriek in Swazi who was in a car accident - she is sore but recovering
4. Pray for the launches upcoming in Fargo for Bukedea (pronounced like BOO KA DAY AH) 256 children and for Westmoore Church that will sponsor Ngariam (pronounced like NAR EUM) close to 600 children.
5. Pray for the Salem Chapel launch Thanksgiving week - a NEW Swazi Carepoint launch - YAY Jena Penner!

Lemonade International's Requests
Favor with the Guatemala court system - so approval would be granted to begin a foster home for children in crisis in La Limonada
Wisdom for the legal representation in this case
Protection for children in La Limonada suffering from physical and sexual abuse
Financial provision for a larger home to house children in crisis situations
Protection, wisdom, provision, favor for our Guatemala team
Focus and prioritization for our US team For Priscilla (one of our teachers/psychologists in La Limonada) who is in Cincinnati, OH for an internship program

As always, we'd love for you to join us on Wednesday morning at 9:30 am (eastern time) for a corporate time of prayer. just call Number: 605-990-0111

Password: 433537# to join us!

It is a privilege to join you in the throne room on behalf of the poor, hungry and oppressed across the world and those that serve them.



1 comment:

Betsy said...

Wow Brandi- you always challenge me! I am a dobting Thomas and I do not want to be that way either! Thanks for remindeing me that I can BELIEVE in the amazing God we serve! Praying with you today and fasting diet coke!!!