Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving and Service - iFast58

Last week I was sharing with you guys my struggle in the wait...and how hard my struggle is and how I can't ever seem to "master" this particular struggle! One of the things the Lord really laid on my heart this week was how much easier the wait is when my eyes are fixed on Him. In fact, just this morning I was spending time with the Lord and asking Him, "ok, how do I do that practically? I need you to give me an assignment in my waiting today, Lord!" He spoke so sweetly to my heart and reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend just the day before. We had been discussing this very concept and when we went to prayer together, we chose to use that time to remind ourselves and each other just the kind of God that we serve. It seems that's where the focus should lie. At least for me, as the David Crowder song goes "my afflictions are eclipsed by His glory". When I really focus on HIM and HIS character, everything seems a bit easier to handle. When I remember that the God who created the Universe is the one who holds my future, I can rest. When I dwell on the fact that He is my GOOD daddy who wants the very best for me and I am but a naive little toddler wanting my own way, I can rest and trust.

For me...that meant rest today. I spent my day focusing on HIM and resting in all of my struggles.

For my meant service. Sometimes, when we are overwhelmed by what WHO He is and what He has done for us, we can't help but freely give.

I would love for both of those traits to characterize all times, but especially in the difficult times. If I could really focus on WHO he is and all He's already done for me, I could rest in today and look for ways to freely give what I've been given. I pray that you will do the same this week.

I pray for those who are hungry, poor, and oppressed that they may understand HIS character and be able to REST in Him....and that the church will rise up to SERVE them and be His hands and feet that bring provision and care.

So often in my mind, rest and service have been at opposite ends of my heart. I believe that shouldn't necessarily be true. When my focus is on Him, I can rest and serve at the same time...paying attention to My Jesus.

Please pray for our Russian Ministry. we actually can't be specific but it is very serious. Please, please, please join us in prayer for HIM to work in a mighty way

Also pray for upcoming launches. The next 3 weekends represent sponsorship launches for 800+ kids! Pray for the weekends to come together and for the advocates hosting them. Pray specifically for Jena, Lindsey A, Lindsey E, Rachel and Ria.

Pray also for the Ethiopia trip leaving on Sunday with Tom. Pray for sweet Andrea who helped plan the trip and pull everyone together but is staying home while her husband travels :-)

Global Orphan Outreach
Continued prayer for Christina Hoffman as she travels this week for "Forget Me Not Childrne's Homes" project. Pray for open doors and answered prayers.

Caroline's promise-
praise for God's provision.
Request for people to respond to our end of year giving opportunities.
Both north and south carolina chapters will be choosing grant families in the next few weeks- pray for wisdom.
Praise for the connection with a church in guyana who are ministering to vulnerable children in an area called "plastic city.". This is a great new partnership. Pray for our guyana field coordinator, angie hemric as she raises support to return to guyana in january.

Personal request for my husband david who is going through a difficult career transition. We're asking God for wisdom.

Prayer Needs for H.E.L.P.

1. C-mas fundraiser. Raising $1500 to provide 100 orphans in ZImbabwe meat for 90 days.
2. Church in Delaware is sharing our story and raising funds for Zimbabwe.
3. Meet our December budget. We are not on target.
4. We multiple people throwing c-mas parties, and sharing our story. Pray for favor.

Orphan Relief and Rescue - Liberia
Thank you for your prayers for Michael last week. He is receiving medicines for his cirrhosis, and for HepB, but it's a very long road, and to beat this condition he'll need to take responsibility (he's 18 now), and stick to the regimen. Of course, God is able to heal instantly or gradually; either way, pray with us that Michael is drawn into God's love in the process.
The team needs prayer for health, as we've been battling malaria and unknown fevers in the house all week. And with Christmas around the bend, we've set a goal of distributing three times as many Christmas bundles as last year (that's 405, of which 200 are paid for already). It's a huge undertaking, but SO worthwhile, a highlight of the year for both the kids and the team.

Lemonade International
In partnership with BuildaBridge, 96 children from the schools in La Limonada are at a week long Arts Camp (led by artists from across Guatemala and the US) at a retreat center on the Atlantic Coast of Guatemala - approximately a six hour drive from Guatemala City. Children from two different "barrios" ruled by rival gangs will be attending together. On Saturday, the parents of the children will be invited to join in a picnic celebration at a park in Guatemala City. Please pray for the following:
  • for smooth transportation to and from the retreat center
  • that the children will be well-behaved
  • for a spirit of unity and collaboration among the children
  • for the teachers and artists to lead well
  • health, may no one get sick
  • God's provision for every detail
  • for Kate - who organized the details for the camp - that she would experience the fruit of her labor
  • for the kids to be open to understand and apply the message of "Unity"
Also, please pray for our Guatemalan Director, Tita Evertsz, as she travels to Columbia with her two sons to spend time with her daughter and son-in-law (missionaries to people in the Amazon Basin) and their children.

Remember the Poor:
For the western church to be awakened-- to the wealth God has given us to meet all the needs around the world. That we would not say we are rich, prosperous and need nothing, when we are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind and naked. That our apathy, complacency and "lukewarm-ness" would be washed away. That we would be cleansed and purified, our eyes opened by the salve he offers us. That we would be zealous and repent. (Rev 3)

For those joining our iFast Prayer call Tomorrow at 9:30 AM (eastern time)....remember that the number has changed! The new number is: CALL IN #: 760-569-9000

ID: 968101#



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