I can't believe that we've been home 4 days already. . .or is it only? On one hand, I feel like we just left Africa (and I miss it already!) on the other, so much has changed. When we walked into our home at 1 am on Friday morning, Davis changed. Having never been in our home before, I have no clue how he knew it was home, but he did. Seriously, God had been preparing our son for us. He completely relaxed upon entering our home. Even in Liberia, after staying at our hotel for many days, Davis never left our sides for more than a couple of steps. Within 2 minutes of entering our home, we put Davis down and he went exploring. From that moment on, he has been a different kid. When we are at home, he plays with the kids, goes looking for toys, runs for hugs upon seeing EITHER of us (yep, me included!) and smiles almost constantly. We did go to church on Sunday which was a little much for him and he retreated to clinging to Greg and not making eye contact, but as soon as we were home. . .back to all smiles! It was so much fun bringing him to church and introducing him to everyone, but he had to be thinking "who the heck are all of these people?"! He was surrounded by people who already love him and have been praying for him who he doesn't even know!
Now, for more pictures. . .since I know that's what you came by for! I'll give more of my commentary on the last few days while I'm at it!
This is my dad with our two boys! My parents have been here every day since we've come home. My mom met us at the airport, but my dad was in Vegas that night so he rushed over straight from the airport Friday night! This pic was taken on Sunday afternoon after feeding Davis his first ever McDonald's meal! (a true occassion if you know anything about his new Mama!)

This was on our way to church. Sorry so blurry, but doesn't he look handsome?

This is our first trip to Target! Yep, it's a big deal! I can't imagine what he must be thinking. . .there is nothing like this in Liberia. He seemed to love it and just sat in the back with his icee and popcorn. (My friend, Jess, taught me this trick. . .for $1 you can buy peace and quiet with kiddos at Target!)

He looked so cute today! Whitney and Jay bought him this outfit and it looked great! My mom says he has a Julia Roberts smile b/c it such a "big mouth smile". It seriously takes up most of his face and he smiles constantly!

My boys! Brayden is such a good big brother. His prayer tonight went on and on. . .he kept saying "thank you, Jesus, for my brother. Thank you that he is at home and can play with me in my room. . . ."

We wrapped up this evening (after a yummy dinner from our friends, the Fullertons) with a gingerbread train. I'm thinkng my kiddos are a bit young for this since Gracie did not decorate one thing, opting to eat candy the whole time instead. . .oh well, they had a blast and loved the icing!

Do you just die looking at that face? I cannot believe we are here. Tonight when I snuggled him in his PJ's, I was thinking back a couple of months ago to checking out the Shane's blog after they came home from Liberia. I saw those cuddly kids in their pj's snuggled at home in the US and thought, "I can't wait for that day!". It floors me that right now I am staring at my little one cuddled up next to me on the couch. When he turns over to catch my eye, he lights up. I think at least 10 times today in Target, I stopped just to kiss him and tell him how glad I was that he was here. When he runs into my arms just for a hug, I can not help but Praise the Lord that God has given him a family and has given us him! God is so good.
thank you so much for all the pictures and updates. i can't wait to meet him someday!
I loved reading your blog-it is wonderful how God prepares the hearts for those He is going to bring together as a family!
So happy things are going well!
Julie L
I know!! It is so, so surreal, isn't it??? I still can't believe Micah's here, and it has been a week and a half for us!! I LOVE your pics! I wish I could have been in Target to watch the people who must have been watching YOU taking pictures in there... hee hee! ;0)
Jamie Z. :0)
PRaise the Lord, praise the Lord!!! Love, Denise
He is so happy! I LOVE IT!
What a cutie! I love how well he and Brayden and Gracie are adjusting to eachother!
The amazment over how God puts our families together through adoption just doesn't get old....at least it hasn't for me and its been 4 years :)
So, I guess I'm not a blog you love :(
Thanks, feeling the love.
Thanks, feeling the love.
Aww I love your blog! We too are a transracial adoptive family. Our kiddos are from Haiti and have been home for 4 1/2 years. I remember those day where everything was "new." It is amazing to see thing for the 1st time through their eyes :)
Precious pictures, Brandi!
He's so handsome!
What a blessing!
I cannot wait to meet him!
love him...love you...so overwhelmed to see how God knew before the beginning of the earth what family he would ordain to pour their lives into Davis.
Lovely photos of beautiful children... God is good!
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