Thursday, April 2, 2009

Do I love him?

I really do love that David is called a "man after God's own heart". I really do. It's good for me to hear because MAN DID I STRUGGLE WITH HIM!

I just finished 2 Samuel. My time with David was a love him. . then hate him. . .then wonder. . .then question. . .then love him again time. Seriously!

I am in awe of the way he treated Saul. Saul would chase him down trying to kill him and David would respond in humility. Oh to be the kind of person who reacts in that manner to attack! I want to trust the Lord that much. He actually took days to mourn the death of Saul. . .which meant life for him (not to mention a kingdom!)

He shows immense heart for the man trying to ruin his life, but none for others. He called for his wife Michal to be brought back to him (she had been given to another husband YEARS before). Her husband followed her for days, weeping. David showed no compassion there! Seriously?! He already had 100 wives! speaking of which. . .

The whole Bathsheba thing. More than just the adultery. . .but the killing as well. He went to great lengths and scheming to cover up his sin. This wasn't a one time deal.

He left the Chest of God in someone else's care because he got scared. Then, when God blessed that man's family he came and took it back. Um, that seems fishy to me. Do you want the Chest of God to honor Him or to get blessed?

After all is said and done, I'm thankful for the story of David. The enemy is a mighty liar to have convinced people that they aren't good enough for God. The Bible sure as heck tells a different story! The story and life of David is one of redemption. Of God using the small things of this world to bring Him glory. A small shepherd boy becomes King. That king brings honor and glory to God. That king shames God. That king is brought back to God in repentance. Yes, he struggled. . .but don't we all? David's story shows me that God can use even me. David's story shows me that later. . . when I think I've messed it all up. . .that God can STILL use even me. He is a GOOD God. It's a story that brings HIM honor. Mostly because with David I could take him or leave him. . .but God shown through mightily and I'm glad to take HIM!


Chris said...

David's story shows me that God can use even me. David's story shows me that later. . . when I think I've messed it all up. . .that God can STILL use even me.

Ahh, but David was a big bullet on God's agenda. He CAN use me. That doesn't mean he will.

This post really stirred up some stuff for me... I had to login to my own blog and comment was turning into a post lol.

Kristin said...

This was so well thought out thank you for sharing your insights - we do have a Mighty God who loves us more than we can imagine and uses us despite ourselves!