Friday, April 24, 2009

Ready to relax

We are just wrapping up here. . .getting ready to head to a hotel for the weekend to celebrate my dad's 50th birthday!

I am so thrilled to be going away. I'm looking forward to a sabbath rest before the adventure begins next week. It'll be good to spend some time with my family and in the sun! I'm really hoping my hubby will offer to watch the kids during nap time so I can lay be the pool for a few hours too!

I may try to email my posts in this weekend as well as pictures. . just to practice for when you guys really care to read my blog. . when I'm in AFRICA! hehe, that's not true, my family likes when I just post pictures of my kids. . but the rest of you are looking for the adventure posts. =)

Thanks for your prayers already. We have collected close to 16 suitcases full of donations along with over $6,000 just to use on the ground as we see needs!!!! I am so excited about this! Keep your prayers coming. . .I have been up each night praying for the women on my team by name, as well as my family and children who are staying behind.

Team: Debbie, Kim, Brittany, Amanda, Ria, Crystal, Ashley, Anne, Katie and me. Our guide is Joseph, so pray for him being surrounded by all us girls!


Laura Lu said...

Have a fabulous time resting up before your big trip! I can't wait to hear and see how God uses all of you gals!!!!!! I'll be praying! :D

Valarie Daly said...

Remember to BE STILL as you are trying to rest this weekend as to not miss the voice of our sweet savior! I am praying that this time away is refreshing, relaxing, and rewarding for you and your family. Use sunscreen :-) you don't want to go to AFRICA with a terrible sunburn! It's so exciting to see how GOD is working through this trip! That's amazing that you have extra $$$ to have on hand to use as you see fit! Remember kisses and hugs for every little child there! I will be working Sunday morning so I will see you later that day! Remember to take that time to just BE STILL!